The purpose of Valley Traffic Advisory Council (VTAC) is to establish and curate an active and collaborative relationship between the community, our schools and the Police Department. To accomplish this, we work directly with the Los Angeles Police Department, Valley Traffic Division (VTD). We engage in meaningful programs designed to educate and improve the conditions and public relations within the San Fernando Valley.

VTAC is comprised of a group of dedicated individuals, business owners and community leaders who offer their time and efforts towards building a safer community. VTAC is self supporting and derives its budget through donations, fund raisers and general membership. These funds are directly used in traffic safety and education in the schools and throughout the community. Each year, VTD reaches out through education to approximately 12,500 school age children and approximately 20,000 residents and community members. These items are NOT in the budget through the City of Los Angeles. These items include, but are not limited to, static displays, printed handouts, cameras, computers, and teaching aids to assist the officers in their daily work. VTAC is also involved in educating our youth on the hazards of drinking and driving through the “Sober Graduation” program. Another program VTAC is involved in is “Child Safety Seat Inspections.”

VTAC is the founder and organizer of the “Still Saving Lives” Golf Classic and the “Still Saving Lives Car Show and Safety Fair” held every year to help raise these much needed funds. These are the two largest fund raisers currently on the agenda for VTAC each year.